Greg's flight to return to Australia was on Wednesday the 1st Sept and on the Tuesday night he and two friends he had made in Kentucky headed out for dinner in New York in a yellow cab. Unfortunately there night out was interupted when their cab was rear-ended quite severely by another cab. Greg was thrown into the back of the driver's seat, banging his head, his arm and both knees. The driver's of both cabs were injured, although not seriously, and fortunately the 3 passengers were all unharmed, except for a few cuts and bruises.

It has been a frustrating time for Greg but he has been very patient, more than his worried parents. It has caused him to withdraw from two Challanger tournament and has impacted greatly on his preparation for the Commonwealth Games. He only started trainin less than a week out from the beginning of the games and was cleared by the Tennis Australia only on the Thurdsay before the games started.
More on the Commonwealth Games in future posts
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